This is me, for heaven’s sake, in 1973. Thirty-seven years ago! I didn’t own that suit, it was out of the wardrobe of the Harrogate Opera House where I was playing, for the nonce, in a Christmas production of My Fair Lady. Just back in England definitively after my two-year 'career' in Monte Carlo, I was a late addition to the cast and a part was manufactured for me out of all sorts of bits of music taken from here and there in the score. I remember I had to sing Pickering’s music in ‘You Did It’, because the dear man (Martin Scott, where are you?) couldn’t hold a vocal line. It wasn’t a bad production, although, apart from the Eliza (Liz Mansfield), only I, one other lad and a rather fine soprano chorister could actually sing. That other lad went on to be a West End leading man, and is now Paul Bentley, international operatic librettist. I remember the photo session too. This photo was done free. After which the borrowed suit came off, for the taking – as payment -- of some more ‘artistic’ photos which I guess, for 1973, might have been considered a touch saucy… Well, Marilyn Monroe did it: why not I? By the way, Jim Moran of Harrogate, you were really a very good (and artistic) photographer… and I don't think your 'daring' (for 1973) efforts -- of which a couple of the more modest herewith -- quite made a porn star out of me!

... dedicated research by son Craig and myself on soccerbase.com has revealed a 2-2 draw between Sheffield Wednesday and Swindon Town on 30 January 1971 but no 3-3 draw between them until 29 December 1993... presumably the latter is the one, with a little excitement adding to the score in retrospect...
of course i meant former one
30 Jan 1971 is the one .. somewhere I still have the programme ..
Alas, I forget the nice young man's name..
as I obviously forgot (how could I?) the score
but, yes, it was a fun game for someone who has never really been interested in ball games..
A year or two later I became a regular spectator at Monaco, and my last outing was a grim 0-0 between Leicester City and Leeds United circa 2007
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