Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Apollo and the beginning of the southern spring 2024


This is a photopost. Yes, desktop clearing time ...

Here is Apollo. A sculpture by Gawie Bosman. The new mascot of Gerolstein. Later, he will have a blog of his own ..

I call him Apollo, because he reminds me of the horse who draws the sun god's chariot across the sky ...

Apollo is now the guardian of the Gerolstinian gardens who have realised, at last, that it is spring, and time to burst into bud and bloom ..

The trees have a shimmer of green to them, the magnolia is budding, the strawberries are proliferating, the first purple buds are showing on the wisteria, the roses are a mass of baby leaves, and the hardy wee pansies are popping up in all sorts of places in which they were not planted.  Yes, spring is here...  the beginning of spring anyhow ...

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