Monday, July 1, 2024

I'm ready for my photoshoot, Monsieur Gänzl


I get huge enjoyment from the birds and beasts that visit my large balcony ...  eight years ago, it was flooded with squabbling lorikeets ... and the little miner (which is apparently not the same as mynah) fellers .. the odd butcher bird, the shy friar bird ...

But this year, the visitors have changed. Big, jolly warble-throated magpies, a few little miners, but two new varieties ..

A charming pinkish dove, apparently of Indian origin

and then this feller. My new favourite. He's apparently a Cuckoo Shrike. I must look that up. Anyway, he visited me yesterday and we did a photoshoot. He posed frontwards, backwards, left and right profile ... even closeup ... so I thought at least some of his efforts should be enshrined on The Blog ...

Oh there are loads more ... but there he (?) is ....     Thank you for visiting. Come again!

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