Saturday, March 25, 2023

Shrimp Fish Net Girls St Leonards on Sea


Ebay is fun. I really enjoy going through the new postings with my morning Milo, and -- since, at my age, I no longer buy things -- pointing out to my specialist collector friends the little jewels which are posted there, for sale, on a quite regular basis. 

Some times, those little jewels, are well-and-truly dissimulated. In my particular 'area of expertise' -- the theatre - I would say 'often'. Vendor's descriptions are sometimes quite simply dishonest (FAMOUS ACTRESS .... name unknown ... but still 'famous'?), sometimes utterly ignorant, sometimes lazy (just google it, for heavens sake!). But, more often, its just a case of 'didn't know and didn't try'.

This morning's giggle was a case in question. I don't usually look at and into the offerings of the vendor known as andygüyük. His items are disfigured by distorting 'spoiler' stamps. But this picture, labelled SHRIMP FISH NET GIRLS, caught my eye. Interesting eyes ...?

I turned the card over. BOING!!!!!!

Edith and Violet Barnes.

This aged theatrical historian's antennae twitched furiously. Violet Augusta Mary Barnes. Sister Edith Helen Barnes. Know them ...

This is a childhood photo of a really 'famous actress'. Violet became Violet VANBRUGH, regarded as one of Britain's outstanding dramatic actresses of her era. Edith became Dame Edith BARNES.

Must have been holidaying at the seaside in the ?late 1870s. I wonder if this photo of the pretty sisters is generally known.

See also:

1 comment:

Duffy the Wonderdog said...

You are a Bloodhound! An absolute Toby!