I left Nelson and mother at 7.45 this morning.
My wonderful little break was, I thought, at an end.
Good grief, I thought initially it was the other way round! HERE was supposed to be the break. But, no. I have some head getting-together to do.
I drove back south through mostly the same country as on the upward leg. Beautiful. Only a few of those beastly caravans and Maui trucks (may they be damned and banned for all time) to make one slam on the brakes. Four and a half hours instead of nearly six!. Did I speed? Red Ted can’t speed.
I don’t care much for driving. But today … cruising through the glories of NZ … hell, I was happy.
Twice in two days.
Ted seemed happy too. What would I do without him?
He did the ups and downs and fought off all sane challengers (NZ drivers are THE PITS and there would seem to be no speed limit except for me!)
I took petrol at Wakefield, a brief lunch at Hope Bridge – it had to be brief thanks to the scourge of NZ, sandflies! -- and arrived home to find… water pump problems. ARGGGH!
I’m going to bed
Dream trip over!
I have had such a happy time.
Could life perhaps always be like this?
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